A few days after the wedding, Shatir bride robbed the groom and ran away

In the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, just a few days after the wedding, the naughty bride robbed the groom and ran away. Later, the police took action and arrested him.

According to media reports, 26-year-old bride Scindia got married to groom Dhanpal in Madurai district on September 7, in which only a few people attended from the bride’s side.

A few days after the wedding, Scindia ran away from her in-laws with expensive jewellery, valuables and cash. The in-laws tried to search for him everywhere but there was no trace. Later, a complaint was lodged with the police.

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The police laid a trap to arrest Shatir Dalhan and released an advertisement with the photo, which helped her to get hold of her.

During the police investigation, it was revealed that Scindia had already robbed five people on the pretext of marriage and Dhanapal was the sixth groom. The family members of the accused have also met.

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