Home World US warns of ‘forceful’ response if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine

US warns of ‘forceful’ response if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine

EEUU advierte de una respuesta "contundente" si Rusia utiliza armas nucleares en Ucrania

The United States National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, warned this Sunday that Washington will respond "forcefully" yes Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

"We have communicated it to the Kremlin directly, privately and at very high levels. The use of nuclear weapons will have catastrophic consequences for Russia. The United States and our allies would respond forcefully, and we have been clear and specific about what that would entail."Sullivan said in an interview on CBS.

Sullivan has indicated that Russian President Vladimir Putin "has wielded the nuclear charter at various times in this conflict" and the US Administration "takes very seriously the possible use of nuclear weapons for the first time since World War II".

Zelensky has also appeared on CBS to warn that he is not bluffing. "Maybe yesterday was a bluff. Now it could be a reality. He wants to scare the whole world"has indicated.

Regarding the extension of the nuclear protection umbrella to the separatist regions of eastern Ukraine, Sullivan has assured that it does not intimidate them and that they will continue "supporting Ukraine in defending its democracy". Thus, he recalled that the United States has delivered weapons to kyiv worth 15,000 million dollars, including anti-aircraft systems and hundreds of artillery shells.

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