Sundar Pichai’s house in Chennai is sold, the father cried bitterly!

Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s family home in Chennai, India has been sold. The house where Sundar Pichai grew up as a child has so many memories in the family’s mind, Sundar Pichai’s father shed tears after selling that house. News: ndative‘R.

Tamil actor and producer C. has bought a house in Ashok Nagar, capital city of Tamil Nadu state, Chennai. Manikandan The Hindu Business Line reported the information. The house in this city c. Manikandan’s first property.

C. ‘Sundar Pichai has made our country proud, it would be the pride of my life to buy the house where he stayed,’ said Manikandan.

Manikandan also said, ‘I was impressed by the hospitality of the Google CEO’s family. Sundar’s mother made coffee with her own hands and Sundar’s father showed the land documents on the first day. I am always impressed with their behavior. His father also waited for several hours at the registration office. Sundar’s father cried for a few minutes while handing over the documents.

Sundar Pichai grew up in this house in Chennai as a child. In 1989, he went to IIT Kharagpur to study. According to neighbors, he stayed there until he was 20 years old.

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