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How to identify fraudulent emails and calls?

¿Cómo identificar correos y llamadas fraudulentas?

There are many people who receive emails like “you just won a prize”, but to receive it you have to offer additional information or deposit money in a bank account.

This is clearly an indication that it is a scam email, while other people are receiving calls from a number that appears to be identical (in all its digits) to the bank that we frequently contact. There they ask you for information that you offer without stopping to think and the deception occurs.

The Popular Association of Savings and Loans (APAP) has a simple three-step guide to identify how we should act in these cases:

  1. When it comes to fraud, yourequest sensitive data such as username and password, validation codes or access credentials to your bank. The bank will never request these data either in person or by any other digital means. Your password should only be yours.
  2. They require your account numbers, credit or debit cardsand the digits on the back of your card. Remember that whoever has this information, as well as the expiration date of the card, can easily make purchases online and to pay, for example, some medical consultations in which they ask for this information by phone.
  3. They use a tone of urgencyon the call warning that one of your accounts is at risk. In that case, do not despair, remember this strategy to which they appeal and call the bank at that time.


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