Big news related to Indian domestic cricket is coming. In fact, Arjun Tendulkar, the son of former Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, will leave Mumbai and play for Goa in the 2022-23 domestic season. It is said in the media report that Arjun Tendulkar is taking part in the Goa training session and is ready to make his debut for Goa. Arjun has played for Mumbai in T20 format. At the same time, now the president of the Goa Cricket Association, Suraj Lotilkar, has made a big statement in this regard.
Goa Cricket Association President Suraj Lotilkar said it was important for Arjun to spend as much time on the pitch as possible at this point in his career. We believe this change will improve Arjun’s chances of playing in more competitive matches. He is starting a new phase of his cricket career. He said that the Goa team needs a fast shooter with a left arm. We need a fast bowler with a left arm and Arjun has shown interest. We generally recruit professionals and they will be selected if they fit the requirements of our team. It depends on our selectors.
Significantly, 22-year-old Arjun was part of Mumbai’s Ranji Trophy squad at the league stage last season but failed to reach the Round of 16. Considering the quality of talent available in Mumbai, the youngster failed to break into the playing XI at any level. At the same time, former India fast bowler and Mumbai chief selector Salil Ankola expressed hope that the move would boost Arjun’s career. “We picked him for the Ranji Trophy last year, but he didn’t make the XI. He’s a very talented player and he just needs match time to show his abilities,” he said. I hope this change improves them. We inform that the national season starts from September 8 of this year.