Home World Ecuador: Indigenous peoples and government sign agreement to end protests

Ecuador: Indigenous peoples and government sign agreement to end protests

Ecuador: Indigenous peoples and government sign agreement to end protests

Perhaps the end of a movement against inflation which has paralyzed the country for more than two weeks. Ecuador’s government and representatives of indigenous groups signed an agreement to end protests against the rising cost of living on Thursday (June 30th).

The text drawn up under the mediation of the Catholic Church provides in particular for a drop of 15 cents in the price of fuel, one of the central demands of the movement. Another important point, he plans to repeal a government decree on the extension of oil exploitation in the Amazon, and to revise another on mining.

“We will continue the fight”

It also includes the establishment of a negotiation committee and the lifting of the state of emergency, against the end of blockades and demonstrations, which have experienced episodes of violence that have caused six deaths and more than 600 injuries, especially in the heart of the capital Quito. The protest has weighed heavily on Ecuador’s economy, in particular on oil extraction, as well as on the population, with rising prices and the beginning of a shortage of food and agricultural products.

“We are going to continue the fight, but there, according to the act that we have signed, we are going to suspend the movement”said Leonidas Iza, the head of the powerful Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) which led the protests. “We have achieved the supreme value to which we all aspire: peace in our country”commented on his side on Twitter canning president Guillermo Lasso. “We now begin together the task of transforming this peace into progress, well-being and opportunity for all”added the Head of State.

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