Assault on the Capitol: Donald Trump calls the parliamentary inquiry a “travesty of justice”

Donald Trump denounced, Monday, June 13, the “parody of justice” what constitutes the work of the majority Democratic congressional committee investigating the assault on the Capitol. In a 12-page statement, the former president reiterates his false allegations of fraud in the 2020 presidential election, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. “This comedy (…) is a brazen attempt to distract the public from the truth, (…) which is that Americans came to Washington en masse on January 6, 2021 to hold their elected officials accountable for the signs evidence of criminal activity during the election”he wrote.

Composed of seven Democrats and two Republicans, this commission has been investigating for almost a year to shed light on the responsibility of Donald Trump in the attack on the American Congress by his supporters. During two public hearings, the elected officials successively tried to demonstrate that Donald Trump had been at the center of a “coup attempt”in “encouraging” his supporters to storm the seat of Parliament. Four other auditions are to follow until June 23.

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