Carlos Alcaraz without mincing words when talking about Roger Federer

The athlete took the opportunity to thank his followers for the support and affection

Him Anthillwent back Carlos Alcaraz already become the new number 1 of world tennis after his recent victory in the US OpenHer first Grand Slam and there he took the opportunity to refer to Roger Federer. In addition, he told his most intimate secrets and his plans for the future professionally.

The tennis player kept his great smile showing himself delighted to live what he is living. So he had no problem reviewing that party that gave him the victory, answering all the presenter’s doubts: “It was one of the best games I’ve played in my career, without a doubt”.

geraniums Pablo Motos
Alcaraz has left great phrases in his visit to Pablo Motos

The secrets of the Spaniard to become number 1 in world tennis

Asked about the words he shouted in one of the breaks: “I’m a bull”, he confessed that he said it to himself. “Telling it to me, that I can keep running, that he is going to have to sweat blood to beat me, gives me confidence, I feel like a winner because I feel very fresh”.

He explained that he preferred to win the points with complex shots: “It gives you much more pleasure when you hit an impossible ball.” And when he succeeds, he revealed that his gaze was directed at his team: “I come upstairs and smile, to show myself calm and to know that I’m enjoying myself, that I’m relaxed, it helps me a lot.”

Pablo Motos spoke about the retirement of Roger Federer and Alcaraz made his position clear on the subject

But the most complex question came. Now that Roger Federer has retired, if I were to ask you to be his coach, what would be his response? “Why do you ask me this?” Alcaraz said smiling. To end by underlining that Juan Carlos Ferrero is for him a “second father and I would not change him for anyone”.

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Finally, he said goodbye to the audience saying: “This is not a path that is traveled alone, there are many difficult moments on the track and thanks to all the people who are behind you, they are the ones who drive me in those moments. Without them it would be three times as complicated. So I owe him everything.”

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