Iranian nuclear: there is a “critical urgency to conclude negotiations this week”, says Paris

Now or never. There is a “critical emergency” that the negotiators meeting in Vienna on the Iranian nuclear issue reach an agreement “this week”, estimated Monday, February 28 the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Iran’s chief negotiator, Ali Baghéri, returned to Vienna on Sunday to continue talks with the major powers on the Iranian nuclear issue.

In recent days, negotiators have reported progress in the Vienna talks aimed at salvaging the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran, the United States, China, France, the United Kingdom, Russia and Germany. The challenge is to bring the United States back into the agreement, which withdrew in 2018 by reinstating sanctions against Iran. Tehran had, in reaction, broken its commitments related to its sensitive nuclear activities.

The 2015 agreement had allowed until the American withdrawal the lifting of international economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic. In exchange, it respected the restrictions linked to its nuclear program, supposed to prevent it from acquiring the atomic bomb, an intention that it has always denied.

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