Zakaria makes her plans for the future clear

The Borussia Monchengladbach has in his possession one of the most attractive midfielders in the Bundesliga and all the major leagues in Europe, it is about Denis Zakaria, a footballer who has been performing at a high level for several seasons. The Swiss international has become one of the fashionable players for all the big teams as he ends his contract with the German team at the end of this season and could sign for free for the club he wanted.

Given the great cascade of offers that have been arriving in recent months, according to the German newspaper ‘Bild‘, the footballer would have decided to put any Premier League offer before any other, given that his wish is to play in the British competition. There are many teams that are following in the footsteps of Denis Zakaria, clubs such as Borussia Dortmund, Manchester United, FC Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and Arsenal are some of those that have put the most interest in taking over this powerful midfielder, however, it seems that the English clubs would have priority in their future decision.

The ‘gladbachs’ try to hold him back

Denis Zakaria Contract ends at the end of this season and, despite Borussia Monchengladbach trying by all means to renew their bond, it seems that there is no option to convince him. The German team is going to have to see how one of its best footballers leaves for free when this season ends. For now, the fate of the player is a mystery, but what seems clear is that he will try to reach the Premier League.

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