Final offer from FC Barcelona for Karim Adeyemi convinces RB Salzburg

The new German jewel seems to opt for the culé offer, which it believes is much more solid since the arrival of the new Catalan strategist

The FC Barcelona has been managing in recent weeks the signing of the German prodigy of the RB Salzburg from Austria, Karim Adeyemi. And after a whole process of convincing plus the inclusion of impressive figures, the Catalan club has reached a value impossible to reject. The culés would be made to the end of only 19 years that promises to lead the generational change that Xavi has in mind.

It has not been easy at all to get to this point, especially when the Borussia Dortmund he was so close to making a deal. The germans they have reached 35 kilos, who fall short before the 40 that from Laporta they announce they will arrive in order to add it. An unmistakable sign that they are doing things to ensure success and provide the coach with the tools that he has requested up to now.

Monchi Seville
Adeyemi is the great whim of several clubs in Spain

With this figure, FC Barcelona is sure to reach the end in the bid for Adeyemi with other giants of the continent

The 40 million euros are focused on creating a much more diverse issue, such as being first on the player’s wish list. Barcelona does not need a media boost to demonstrate its greatness and now with Xavi at the helm it is clear that it will. What happens in this case is that the economy plays a preponderant role and that is where there are imbalances.

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However, to that must be added a salary of just over 5 million per season, which was the same value that the Germans offered to date. So they are unbalancing the balance and they are setting a precedent that causes many curiosity. Band player, liked by Xavi and who falls through the middle. He has scored no less than 15 goals and 2 assists so far this season; scandal numbers.

Adeyemi’s trip to Barcelona finishes certifying the position

To all this we must refer to his last trip, and it is that he has been seen in Barcelona in recent days. The player has traveled with the excuse of meeting to fully know the project, and having the offer in every sense first hand. Future plans are relevant and in that sense all the cards have been distributed on the table.

Only a few details remain but it seems all agreed. Xavi could add a footballer on the line he has asked for. He would be the second behind Dani Alves, whom he has called at 38 years old to be part of the beginning of this Barcelona, ​​much more inexperienced and without filming than his fans were used to.

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