War in Ukraine: Ukraine announces that it has reconquered 400 km2 of territory in the south of the country

Ukraine announced Thursday, October 6 to have reconquered 400 km2 of territorial gains in the south, where its counter-offensive puts Russian troops under pressure. “Ukrainian armed forces have liberated more than 400 km2 of the Kherson region since the beginning of October”, reported the spokeswoman for the military command in the South, Natalia Goumeniouk. This is the first time that the Ukrainian army has quantified the advances of its troops since the start of the counter-offensive.

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Ukrainian troops have been on the offensive on all fronts since early September and have already recaptured most of the Kharkiv region in the northeast, and important logistics hubs such as Izium, Kupyansk and Lyman (east ).

29 localities recovered since October 1

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Wednesday evening the recapture of three new villages by his troops in this area, and confirmed that the kyiv counter-offensive, strong in Western arms deliveries, was continuing. Ukrainian forces also claimed to have recaptured 29 localities from the Russians since October 1 in the Kherson region.

Faced with the setbacks of the Russian army in Ukraine and a chaotic mobilization in Russia which has pushed hundreds of thousands of his compatriots into exile, Russian President Vladimir Putin assured Wednesday that the military situation would improve. “stabilize”.

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