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War in Ukraine LIVE: London wants to build an “international coalition” to deliver F-16s to kyiv…

6:20 a.m .: The head of Wagner announces the death of an American at the front

The leader of the paramilitary group Wagner, Evgueni Prigojine, announced on Tuesday the death of an American volunteer serving alongside troops in Kiev, eastern Ukraine.

In a video relayed by Russian military bloggers, he shows the body of a soldier he says is American, in the rubble of a building. In this short video, we see him walking around with his men at night and we hear muffled sounds of explosions around, without being able to determine exactly where the scene is taking place or when.

Standing next to the body of this soldier lying on his back bare chested, a wound in his stomach, he said in a solemn and ironic tone: “He came to meet us. Citizen of the United States of America”. “We will return it to the United States. We will put him in a coffin (with) the American flag. With respect, because he did not die in a grandfather’s bed but in the war,” says the businessman whose paramilitary group is on the front line on the Russian side in the bloody battle for Bakhmout.

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