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Venezuelan opposition demands that Maduro set a date to continue the dialogue in Mexico

Venezuelan opposition demands that Maduro set a date to continue the dialogue in Mexico

The Venezuelan opposition grouped in the Unitary Platform denounced this Saturday that the Government "seeks to get away" of the agreements that have resulted from the negotiation resumed a week ago in Mexico and demanded that President Nicolás Maduro set a date in December to continue the dialogue.

"We demand that Nicolás Maduro not continue delaying the commitment assumed in Mexico and proceed immediately to set the date, within the month of December, to continue the negotiation with the political and freedom agenda as agreed."said the platform in a statement posted on its Twitter account.

In the letter, the coalition stressed that the negotiation between the opposition and the Executive resumed on November 26 in Mexico, after a year of suspension, has as its next step to treat "political and freedom issues" during this month, but that the Venezuelan government "has activated a series of actions that seek to get away from the agreements".

He explained that the next issues to be addressed at the dialogue table would be the freedom of detainees considered political prisoners, the return of Venezuelan families and exiles to the country and "the free vote".

According to the opposition, the government "lies about the scope of the signed agreement and, in addition, sets new conditions to advance politically that are not part of the previous agreements".

In this sense, he assured that the official delegation uses the strategy of "build and make visible" oppositions for "simulate a negotiation that will only be in your benefit".

This Friday, President Maduro held a meeting with the opposition grouped in the Alianza Democrática parliamentary faction, a group that maintains differences with the anti-Chavistas present in Mexico.

After this meeting, the Government announced that it is preparing a document that will establish the agreements reached with the different sectors of the opposition in social, economic, political and electoral matters, and that it will be presented within 30 days.

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