Home Tech Trilogi signs a strategic agreement with Onlive.site

Trilogi signs a strategic agreement with Onlive.site

Trilogi signs a strategic agreement with Onlive.site

Trilogyone of the leading consulting firms in Spain, and Onlive.sitethe real-time video shopping platform, have become partners after sign a strategic agreement that will allow them to promote Live Shopping among the consultant’s clients.

Trilogi, with offices in Igualada, Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Shanghai and Hong Kong, has been able to see first-hand how the Live Shopping in China and Southeast Asia continues to grow. Although in Europe, and more specifically in Spainpurchases with live streaming still are in an early stageafter the pandemic its penetration has accelerated and today it is a reality with a long future ahead of it.

In a recent interview, Màrius Rossell, CEO of Trilogipoints out that “Live Shopping eCommerce is the trend that has to come stronger, this 2022 will still cost you, but 2023 will come with force. It entered China 5 or 6 years ago and the growth they have with Live Commerce is brutal, they are above 10-11% in conversion percentage. This agreement with Onlive.site will allow us to offer a new solution to our clients and can mean a boost to increase your turnover”.

For your part, Alfredo Ouro, CEO and co-founder of Onlive.Siteemphasizes that «In a world where 82% of all the data we consume online is in video format, the future of online stores lies in live shopping, video shopping and personalized and tailored sales. Onlive.Site allows brands to put a face and voice when it comes to selling products, advising and accompanying the customer in a close and effective way in the decision-making process. As we say internally “a smile sells more than the best of algorithms”. We are very excited about the partnership between Trilogi and Onlive.Site as there are many value areas around technology where the role of the agency is key to ensuring a sustainable live commerce strategy. In Trilogi we see a solvent partner, with experience and creativity to take liveshopping and videoshopping to the next level«.

The pandemic has accelerated the growth of e-commerce and the online sale of products from various sectors. Trilogi closed 2021 with a 77.1% increase in sales from new eCommerce projects, something that confirms the acceleration of eCommerce and a clear trend towards hyper-digitalization. All this means that Live Shopping finds itself in a favorable scenario for its greater penetration.

According to Onlive.site, it is ensured that Live Shopping increases the amount of the basket by more than 20%, multiplying the conversion rate by up to 25 and sales grow by more than 20%. With these results, there will surely be many electronic businesses that will join the Live Shopping revolution.

With this agreement, Trilogi signs its firm commitment to a trend that is here to stay and for which a great future is predicted. Throughout its more than 22 years of history, the consulting firm has always managed to grow with strategic agreements with different partners that have established it as a benchmark in the eCommerce sector.

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