Home World “Thousands of years of history have shown that Russia can meet any...

“Thousands of years of history have shown that Russia can meet any challenge.”

"Thousands of years of history have shown that Russia can meet any challenge."

Russian President Vladimir Putin has once again warned world powers that the millennium of history has shown that Russia is capable of meeting any challenge.

Addressing the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is capable of overcoming any challenge and the millennial history bears witness to it.

Vladimir Putin said We are strong people And like our forefathers, we will solve any problem, history has shown that we have faced every difficult time.

He said Russia would learn to manufacture goods manufactured by Western companies that had left the country or were supplied by companies from other countries.

The Russian president also said that the era of monopoly power in the world is over forever, despite efforts to maintain a unipolar world order. This is because it is difficult to combine the cultural diversity of the planet.

Without naming Ukraine, he said that while recognizing a limited circle of neighboring states in spite of a single strong power and interpreting all the principles of business and international relations to their advantage, the world based on such beliefs is definitely But will be unstable.

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