Home Sports The UCI points to “small changes” in the points system by 2023

The UCI points to “small changes” in the points system by 2023

The UCI points to "small changes" in the points system by 2023

After a season marked by the fight to stay on the World Tour and the search for UCI points, the president of the highest body in world cycling, the French David Lappartient, admitted the possibility of introducing some changes in the system, but in no case “a revolution”.

“There is a lot of talk about the distribution of UCI points, something that we can change. I’m not sure there is a perfect system. What is the right balance to achieve a fair score in races? We can all have different opinions. We try to find the best system, but you have to win races to earn points, ”he said, according to the page. Velonews.

According to the French leader, “it is possible that changes will be made to the system, but they will be minor”. ”The scoring system has to be proportional. If you put too many points in different stages, you get an imbalance. The total number of points in stage races is too high compared to the points earned in classics. We have to see where we put the limit”, said Lappartient in Wollongong (Australia), where the World Cups have just ended.

“We have agreed with the teams, the organizers and the riders that we will look at some possible adjustments. There are some changes that we have to discuss, but it will not be a complete revolution of the system because a certain balance has to be maintained”, warned. Lappartient hopes to introduce the changes for the upcoming season as it will mark the beginning of a new period where all teams will start from scratch. ”The system must be improved before we start the new three-year cycle. We cannot suddenly change the distribution of points in the middle of the term. We are working on that now, probably until January”, he concluded.

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