The sun has returned over all of France since this Tuesday

No more jeans and k-way, give way to summer clothes. The sun (finally) has returned from this August 10.

MétéoFrance confirmed it on Twitter: the gray period that the whole of France has suffered since mid-July should end very soon.

The French will be able to enjoy the sun again from this afternoon. According to Meteo France, the good weather will be present first in the south, before gradually gaining the whole territory.

Temperatures will be particularly hot in the south, with 30 ° C in Toulouse, 29 ° C in Marseille or 31 ° C in Ajaccio today. They will continue to rise during the week, reaching for example 33 ° C in Montélimar and 34 ° C in Perpignan on August 13.

For the northern half of the country, a little more patience will be needed before taking the pill. Lille and Paris will face rains on August 10, with temperatures stagnant around 20 ° C. But as for the south, they will increase with the days, up to 27 ° C in Metz, 22 ° C in Rouen and 25 ° C in Paris. on August 13.

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