The doctor Marcos Maynar has been arrested this Wednesday in Cáceres after the search carried out in the Physiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of the University of Extremadura, according to the Extremadura newspaper Hoy. Maynar has been accused of a crime against public health for illegal drug trafficking.
This is not the first scandal that splashes Dr. Maynar, since the doctor has been involved in numerous cases of doping in the world of sports. In 2003 he was in charge of preparing the exculpatory report of soccer player Carlos Gurpegui after his positive for nandrolone, which gave the player a two-year ban.
Maynar was also related to the Portuguese cyclist Bruno Neves, who died in 2008, which led to several records in the LA-MSS team. in which training plans and administration of substances such as anabolics or EPO were found. An event that caused in 2009 Maynar was suspended in Portugal for 10 years.
The last controversy with Dr. Maynar took place in 2015 during the trial for the alleged doping plot in the Urdaibai trawler, where he was finally acquitted.