On June 21, CNMC received notification of Comercia Global Payment’s acquisition of UniversalPay (Evo Payments business). In just a few days they came to the conclusion: «sIt is assumed that this process does not pose a threat to effective competition in the markets«.
The merger, notified to the CNMC, consisted of “moving from Global Payments’ exclusive control of Universalpay to joint control that Global Payments and Caixabank will exercise over Comercia. Through this operation, Comercia will acquire Universalpay, the company owned by Global Payments following Global Payments’ acquisition of EVO Payments Inc«. Therefore, UniversalPay is now being merged with Comercia Global Payments, and is 80% controlled by Global payments and the twenty% left over remains in the hands of the bank, as described in The economist.
Despite the integration and changes, the two brands will continue to operate independently. Although in ElEconomista they state that “Its owner has agreed in a meeting to the dissolution without liquidation of UniversalPay and the transfer of its social assets to Comercia en bloc«.
A move that has been anticipated in the industry since late 2022, when the CNMC approved the acquisition of US company Evo Payments by Global Payments. A purchase made by about $3.360 million.