Home World The Afghan Taliban took full control of Kandahar

The Afghan Taliban took full control of Kandahar

According to media reports, the Afghan Taliban have taken full control of Afghanistan’s most important province, Kandahar, while Afghan forces in the province have fled. The Afghan Taliban have released a video of the forces fleeing Kandahar.

According to foreign media reports, after taking full control of Kandahar and Ghazni, the Afghan Taliban opened the central jail in Helmand and released the prisoners there.

It should be noted that the Taliban have captured ten major cities in one week, including Afghanistan’s Ghazni province. Nasir Ahmad Faqiri, head of the provincial council, said the Taliban have taken control of several important areas of the city, including the governor’s. office, police Includes headquarters and prisons.

The Taliban are now reportedly looking at Mazar-e-Sharif, the largest city in the north, traditionally considered an anti-Taliban stronghold, and Lashkar Gah, a pro-Taliban city in the south, and Herat in the south. West. .

Previously, the Afghan Taliban captured Faizabad, the capital of Badakhshan.

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