Student brutally beats teacher in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh: In Saudi Arabia, a student tortured a teacher, the video of which came to light.

According to Arab media reports, a high school student in Saudi Arabia beat a teacher in the middle of the street and his friend was filming the whole incident.

The viral video shows the student slapping and punching the teacher.

According to the report, the video was probably filmed by a friend of the student who seemed ready to film the attack from the beginning but it was not known why the teacher was attacked.

The victim’s teacher says he was attacked as he was getting out of his car to pick up something. His friend tried to stop him but he did not stop and kept hitting.

Anger is being expressed by social media users when the video went viral.

Consumers have demanded that the police take strict action against the student. No official comment or action has been taken on the incident so far.

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