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Sport and environment: NOWU organizes its first Clean Run in the Bois de Vincennes

Sport and environment: NOWU organizes its first Clean Run in the Bois de Vincennes

Pair of running shoes, gloves and garbage bags. There will be more than 200 participants, equipped with these accoutrements, to compete in a somewhat special race, Saturday October 1, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Bois de Vincennes. A Clean Run is, as its name suggests, a race that aims to collect waste in nature. Or how to combine sport and environmental protection.

“The idea of ​​this Clean Run is not performance at all”explains Gautier Curtil, the director of the NOWU digital offer, which offers solutions for the environmental cause. In partnership with the Surfrider Foundation, the event, which will take place near the Lac des Minimes in Vincennes, aims to raise public awareness of the problem of pollution in urban areas.

Raising youth awareness of environmental issues

Participants will be equipped with gloves and garbage bags. “They will also have a biodegradable bracelet to plant in the forest, containing sunflower seeds and tomato plants”explains Gautier Curtil.

The latter concludes: “Our goal is to give keys every day to raise awareness among young people about environmental issues. We also want to set up other events like this Clean Run”. The latter follows in particular the #taplanetetondefi challenges which had already brought together the NOWU community, with 26,000 followers on Instagram. By organizing this race, NOWU intends to pursue its objective: to germinate ecological awareness.

Learn more about NOWU

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