Bollywood’s romance king Shah Rukh Khan is receiving a lot of love and appreciation for his negative role in the Atlee-directed film ‘Jawaan’. This film has crossed the 600-crore mark worldwide and continues to set new record revenues at the box office. Amid all this, Shah Rukh Khan took part in a question and answer session where he shared some interesting things related to his latest blockbuster ‘Jawaan’.
Shahrukh Khan recently took part in an IMDb question and answer session. He shared some interesting things related to ‘Jawan’. When asked about playing an anti-hero in films, Shahrukh said that he never wanted to play the role of a hero. He said that after a while it got boring to keep playing the role of a good guy and being good like Good Puppy I and Doe I. He confessed that he personally enjoys playing the role of a villain. She also appreciated the support of her girl gang Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, Lahar Khan and Alia Qureshi.
Talking about his bald look in Jawan, the superstar said that this look was never part of the script but was part of the getup that was part of the script. He revealed that he chose the bald look out of laziness as he didn’t want to spend two hours putting on makeup.
He also admitted that he had reservations about the bald look because he showed the promo to some of his friends and they told him that he looked scary and girls wouldn’t like him. He said, “So I hope girls will like me.” . “I like bald men. I like bald girls.”
Shahrukh told his audience about ‘Jawaan’ across the world and said that there is a style of filmmaking in the South that is louder, bigger and larger than life. He called it a roller coaster ride where you packed everything into two and a half hours. He said it might be a bit overwhelming or numbing or an out-of-body experience for global audiences, but it was a good, entertaining journey.