Home World Saudi Arabia: A big step forward

Saudi Arabia: A big step forward

Riyadh: The Takaful Charity Foundation of Saudi Arabia has released 134 million rupees for 270,000 disadvantaged students.

According to Arab media reports, the Takaful Charity Foundation has released a grant for the first seed of the current academic year to help financially distressed students.

The report said that about 270,000 students in 17,000 government schools would receive financial assistance from the Saudi charity.

The grant will help students who first registered for the previous academic year, subject to certain conditions. Relevant institutions have selected deserving students.

It is to be noted that Takaful Charity Foundation also provides other support programs (material, ethical and educational) for male and female students which are benefiting the citizens.

Takaful Charity Foundation organizes a special educational award for orphans in Madinah.


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