Home Tech Samsung on wave of success breaks revenue record in 2021

Samsung on wave of success breaks revenue record in 2021

Samsung has just published the financial results for the fourth quarter of 2021 and the total for last year and the news could not be more encouraging for the South Korean giant.

According to the company, the year 2021 brought a record revenue of 232.43 billion dollars, which was due to global sales of smartphones and semiconductors.

Samsung posts record revenue in 2021

Samsung Galaxy ZFlip 3
The Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 (in the image) will have contributed significantly to the profits that the company obtained in the year 2021

2021 was a very successful and profitable year for Samsung. According to the financial results revealed today by the South Korean giant, the company had total revenues last year of 232.43 billion dollars, about 205.98 billion euros, which translates into a record value for the Samsung company.

In terms of operating income, the company raised 42,920 million dollars, something like 38,000 million euros. According to Samsung, the record amount of revenue is due not only to global sales of its vast portfolio of smartphones, but also to global shipments of semiconductors.

The South Korean giant took the opportunity to also reveal the financial figures obtained in the last quarter of last year, with revenues in this period of 63,640 million dollars, or 56,400 million euros, and an operating profit of 11,520 million dollars, or 10,200 million of euros.

According to Samsung, the results of the last quarter of 2021 were driven by global sales of high-end smartphones, folding terminals, televisions and home appliances.

Samsung’s Display area contributed to the good results obtained last year

For those most attentive to these financial data, the South Korean giant clarified that the operating result for the last quarter of 2021 was slightly lower than the previous quarter, due to the payment of bonuses to the company’s employees.

More informed the company that its memory area had a drop in profits, due to a reduction in prices. But this drop was offset by record new quarterly revenue achieved by the South Korean foundry business.

Revenue from Samsung’s Display area also increased, thanks to smaller OLED screens, despite the fact that large LCD screens have suffered a price reduction and there has been an increase in the production costs of LCD screens. QD-OLED panels.

Now it’s time to wait for the financial results of competing companies, such as Apple and Xiaomi, to confirm (or not) that Samsung is one of the brands preferred by users, in the most varied areas.

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