Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 review: what it’s like to use a folding smartphone every day

Since folding smartphones began to have relevance, the question arises: forgetting its high price, what is it like to use a folding smartphone in everyday life? Will it be convenient and practical? Is the system fully optimized? That is what I will try to answer in these lines about the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3.

It is not intended to be an exhaustive review of the equipment, but rather it is intended to report on my experience of just over a week with a smartphone that is certainly not for everyone. First, because it is priced at € 1,859 in Portugal, and second, because its format is not the most comfortable for the common user.


Design and Unpacking the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3

Let’s start with the experience of unpacking and equipment design. As long as you take it out of the box, this is special equipment. It presents you with a beautiful 7.6 “inch panel when unfolded, or 6.2” inches when folded.

In the box comes only the smartphone itself, the piece to put the SIM card and a USB-C to USB-C cable. No charger, in a nice box cousin and minimalist as expected.


This is the most mature fold of all time.

The first time you touch the Galaxy Z Fold 3, you can see the path Samsung took to get here. It is a device that easily unfolds to become a tablet. But its robustness is noticeable from the first hour, and we no longer notice that fragility that was mainly seen in the first version.

It is a terminal where we find three main materials: aluminum in the frame, glass in the exterior and rear window, and even plastic in the interior window. This screen is the most fragile but also the most interesting part of the terminal. Now we also have water resistance.


Carrying the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 is a heavy device. It’s 271 grams, and this is especially noticeable when the device is folded to a maximum thickness of 16mm and you only use it with one hand.

The exterior screen is of quality, but it is not ideal for gaming or consuming media.

That 6.2-inch outdoor screen is probably the one you’ll have the most contact with on a typical day. And being a Samsung screen, here we have the best colors on the market, with the fluidity provided by a 120Hz panel.


However, it is a very tall and shallow screen, which makes it good for browsing social networks, reading or even listening to your favorite songs on Spotify. But when it comes time to play games or play videos, it’s the biggest screen you’ll want to use.

The folding area is remarkable, but you easily forget about it.

Opening and using the inner 7.6 ”screen is a real pleasure. Although the folding area is there, and you will notice it in a lot of light, in a more careful light environment it is completely imperceptible. Especially if you are a horizontal video consumer.


I confess that that was my biggest concern, in addition to the possible weakness of this screen. But the truth is that if you are careful you will not have any problem. Playing games, watching your series on Netflix, or using it as a GPS on a car trip is another level compared to a “normal” smartphone, and it is closer to the experience of a tablet.


One of the details that you will have in this interior screen is the camera under the screen with 4MP. This is for taking occasional selfies or making video calls. Most of the time you will forget it is there as the pixels fade when not in use.

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Photo taken with the front camera (below the screen) of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3
Photo taken with the front camera (below the screen) of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3

The Galaxy Z Fold 3 cameras are quite versatile

Here we have a very versatile camera system, as Samsung has us used to. There are three 12MP cameras, and the main one is linked by an ultra-wide lens and a 2X optical zoom telephoto.

Photo taken with the front camera (below the screen) of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3
Photo captured with the main camera of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3

The problem with this camera system is that it ends up unchanged from the previous generation. This means you won’t be disappointed, but if cameras are your priority, perhaps the Galaxy S21 Ultra is a better option.

Photo captured with the main camera of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3
Photo captured with the main camera of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3

Still, the results produced are quality, as you can see from the shared examples. Even in video, it can reproduce good colors, with reliable stabilization and focus.

The audio is at the level of the best. Autonomy can improve

In terms of sound, this is also a terminal that will not disappoint you. Even while unfolded, the two speakers produce clear audio, with good bass and quality. Although it should not be compared with audio products like Samsung’s Galaxy Tab S7, but with a smartphone. And there it is at the level of the best.

As for autonomy, let’s say that this is not a terminal that lasts all day for intensive users. Especially if used in a work or play environment, it will suffer. But if you are a more regular user, you should get through the day without having to connect.


The performance is the best you will find

Save the performance part of this smartphone for last because there is little to say. It is one of the fastest smartphones that you will find on the market, that simple. The Snapdragon 888 combined with 12GB of RAM and a 120Hz panel makes for a truly premium experience. During testing, I didn’t notice any glitches or problems running any apps.

What is it like, after all, to use a foldable device on a daily basis?

For my type of mostly home use, this is a really nice device to use. Although it’s a bit heavy and tall, I found myself unfolding it almost instinctively.


The outer display is there, and it’s what you’ll be using mostly for basic tasks. Whether it’s making a call, taking a quick photo, choosing what to play on Spotify, or sending a message, that’s the screen that’s used most of the time.

But when entertainment and productivity come into play, it’s the biggest screen you’ll want. For watching videos, the smaller screen is not ideal due to its aspect ratio. But there is the bigger screen, where the experience of watching a good series on Netflix is ​​excellent.


Who is the Galaxy Z Fold 3 for?

If you are an executive who uses your smartphone a lot to write or send emails, this is probably the smartphone for you. Although we didn’t get a chance to test the S Pen developed for this model, I think the accessory can elevate the experience even more.


It is a product whose price of € 1859 makes it prohibitive for most consumers. In addition, its ergonomics, and the fact that it is difficult to put it in your pocket can also be a hindrance for many.

One thing is for sure: if what you want is a folding smartphone with this ideology, this is the choice to follow. Above that there is nothing else. And that is the best compliment that can be paid to a terminal that is not for everyone, but that aims to show that it can be for more and more people.

Strengths of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3:

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 weaknesses:

Thanks to Samsung Portugal for providing the equipment for testing.

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