Samsung can revolutionize the PC segment with a scrollable screen

Smartphones with foldable screens are already common, but what about a PC with a scrolling screen? Of course, it is a novelty and Samsung in alliance with Intel has just shown its first prototype of the equipment.

Thanks to a sliding mechanism screen, the device quickly goes from a 13-inch tablet to a glorious 17-inch screen.

Samsung: new prototype shows a scrollable screen applied to the PC concept

Take a look at this amazing 17″ slider screen that @SamsungDisplay CEO Joo-Sun Choi just showed up at Intel Innovation 2022! With its large, variable screen size and portability, it opens up a world of possibilities for everyone. 👀🆕☀ #IntelON

-Intel (@intel) September 27, 2022

When they emerged, smartphones with folding screens surprised users, but today this type of equipment is already quite common, with various brands making various models available on the market.

But according to Samsung and Intel, there is another innovative path that displays could take in the future. Recently, the two brands presented their first scrollable screen prototype, applied to the PC concept.

In reality, it’s a PC monitor that rolls (or slides to the side) to gain inches and therefore display area. As shown, the equipment collected is a 13-inch tablet, but just slide the screen to the side, we are faced with a screen with a huge 17 inches.

In fact, the so-called Rollable Screen PC looks like a tablet, but according to JS Choi, CEO of Samsung Display and presenter of this presentation, it is a “sliding” PC monitor that gains 17 inches, thanks to a slider and a flexible panel.

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A single person in charge guarantees that this equipment will respond to the display area and portability needs of all users. JS Choi also clarified that the brand is now working on programming a PC to match this screen. And until Samsung comes up with a final product, the brand’s focus will be on the foldable smartphone segment.

This is not the first time we have seen the concept of a scrollable screen being applied. It is recalled that several news emerged that OPPO would be developing a smartphone with a scrolling screen, just as LG was very close to actually presenting said device.

But it is the first time that Samsung has presented a scrollable screen, and its application to the PC segment is also a novelty in the market. However, for now this is just a prototype and we can wait a few years until we see this device on the market.

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