Home Sports Rajada de Laporta sentences Sergi Roberto at FC Barcelona

Rajada de Laporta sentences Sergi Roberto at FC Barcelona

The president has issued an ultimatum with the midfielder following the latest contractual developments surrounding them

Joan Laporta has recently delivered some statements in the middle of which he made reference to the contractual situation of Sergio Robert within the FC Barcelona. The president, questioned by the culé youth squad, has reaffirmed his position of non-continuity according to the progress between parties on this specific issue.

Specifically, he has stated that he has requested the meetings to analyze the figures, and make the pertinent decisions once the meeting is over. The surprise is that no one has listened to their proposalsand it is made clear that the representation of the midfielder is not interested in accessing the deal.

Athletic Robert
Atlético is excited about the signing of Sergi Roberto.

The club in the voice of Laporta has offered him renewal, it is Sergi Roberto’s power to take it or not and finally that is what has ended up happening

The intervention is verifiable as he himself has stated. Barcelona has put in his hands the great possibility of continuing to be tied to the club, with new conditions, downwards, to maintain a place in the squad and be willing to meet Xavi’s requirements. Understanding that it was not what they expected, they simply let it go.

The club has overcome the issue and argues that it does not intend to press beyond what has been achieved so far. It is the point of giving the chance to other assets that have been working to earn their place and the road points there. Not wanting to sign is an unequivocal sign, something has not gone down well with the intention of continuing to be tied down and the door is opened to various options.

Atlético, closer than ever to the possibility

Almost immediately the mattress response has come, which insisting for two transfer windows has wanted to position itself at the top regarding this event. The player knows Simeone’s intention, and has accepted actively and passively the great possibility that is open to him.

At 30 years old there is no more time to be able to put up with a promising project. It is now or never, and understanding that Atlético is a step forward, by not falling into a less prestigious team, everything indicates that this is going to be the way forward. At least his economy will not be so affected and he will have more chances to play than under Xavi.

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