Home Science Quick Natural Hand Soap Recipe

Quick Natural Hand Soap Recipe

There is a plant with beautiful pink flowers that is used to make liquid soap, and its name is Saponaria officinalis L. Its root, rich in saponins, can be used to create a light foam by mixing it with water. This plant has been used since ancient times to wash clothes.

The roots and rhizomes of the saponaria plant are rich in saponins, essential oils, and resins. Traditionally, infusions and decoctions of the plant are used to relieve respiratory diseases. However, there are other plants with similar properties that have fewer side effects, such as mullein or mallow.

In addition to its traditional uses, saponaria root can be used to make a natural liquid soap. To do this, 25 grams of saponaria root are dissolved in 500ml of water and then cooled. Once the mixture has cooled, it can be poured into containers and essential oils such as lavender and tea tree oil can be added.

Saponaria root can also be used to create a natural foam. To do this, the root is mixed with water and heated over low heat for 15 minutes. Once the mixture has cooled, it can be poured into a dispenser and used as a shampoo or hand soap.

In addition to saponaria, there are other plants that can be used to make soap. For example, the soap tree or soap stick, the yucca plant, and the quillaja saponaria tree all contain high concentrations of saponins.

Other edible plants that contain saponins include legumes, quinoa, and soybeans. Saponins can be found in the seeds, leaves, and flowers of these plants.

It is worth noting that while saponaria root can be used to make a natural liquid soap, it may not produce the same foamy lather as traditional soap. However, the soap can still be effective at cleaning the skin and hair, and it may have additional benefits such as antibacterial and antifungal properties.

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