Home World Private plane ‘mistakenly’ flies over Joe Biden’s beach house

Private plane ‘mistakenly’ flies over Joe Biden’s beach house

Private plane 'mistakenly' flies over Joe Biden's beach house

How is it possible ? A small private plane “by mistake” entered the airspace above the beach house, where Joe Biden is spending the weekend, a White House official said on Saturday, adding that he did not it was “not an attack”. “A precautionary measure has been taken,” he added, however.

The president and his wife Jill Biden were briefly evacuated before returning to their residence in the seaside resort of Rehoboth, located just under 200 km east of Washington. Both “are safe”, still according to this official who did not wish to be quoted, and who specified that the presidential couple had not been in danger.

The Secret Service on teeth

“Shortly before 1 p.m., a private plane entered restricted airspace over Rehoboth after mistakenly entering a secure area,” the Secret Service, the body that provides security for American leaders, said in a statement. .

The aircraft was “immediately escorted” out of restricted airspace. “An initial investigation shows that the pilot was not using the correct radio channel”, “did not respect” the instructions issued by the authorities and “did not follow the announced route”, it is specified. “The Secret Service will interview the pilot,” the statement concluded.

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