Life imprisonment for Russian soldier, Zelensky wants maximum penalties

Did you miss the latest events related to the war in Ukraine? 20 minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

The very first Russian soldier, tried in Ukraine for a war crime, was sentenced to life imprisonment. Sergeant Chichimarine, 21, admitted to shooting dead Oleksandre Chelipov, a 62-year-old civilian, in the northeast of the country during the first days of the Russian army’s invasion of Ukraine. “The murder was committed with direct intent,” the judge said. “Chichimarine violated the laws and customs of war,” said Judge Serguiy Agafonov of the kyiv court.

The lawyer of the young soldier with the youthful face and the shaved head immediately announced that he would appeal. “It is the most severe sentence and any sane person would appeal,” said Viktor Ovsiannikov. “I will ask for the verdict to be overturned,” he said.

The phrase

“The sanctions of the international community against Moscow should be maximum. »

During a videoconference speech during the meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Volodymyr Zelensky demanded an intensification of sanctions against Russia. The Ukrainian president particularly wants there to be no more trade with Russia.

The number

130 Starbucks licensed cafes will permanently close in Russia. The American chain has announced that it has made the decision to leave the country where it established itself in 2007. Starbucks will, however, continue to pay the approximately 2,000 employees working on its behalf for six months.

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The trend of the day

Moscow continues to intensify its firepower on the Donbass by concentrating all its forces in the regions of Lugansk and Donetsk. The Russian military has also transferred one of its newest warships, Admiral Makarov, to the Black Sea, bolstering its fleet of seven amphibious ships and two missile ships. This maneuver increases the likelihood of missile strikes near Odessa.

However, Russia is reportedly reviewing Italy’s proposed peace plan. Drafted by diplomats from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it provides for various stages including a ceasefire in Ukraine, the autonomy of Crimea and Donbass, Ukraine’s entry into the EU and a new agreement security in Europe.

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