Home Sports LeVert, Love… are the Cavs preparing for LeBron’s return?

LeVert, Love… are the Cavs preparing for LeBron’s return?

Los Cavs han fichado a un LeVert que acaba, igual que Love, contrato en 2023. Ese mismo año, LeBron James será agente libre. ¿El retorno del hijo pródigo?

The Cavaliers are being protagonists for many things. The first and the most important, the great moment they live: never, in the 21st century, the Ohio team had performed so well without LeBron James. They stay at the top of the Eastern Conference, they play well, they’re funny, they’re charismatic and they work both sides of the floor. With one of the reference rookies, Evan Mobley, the most extraordinary version of Kevin Love in a long time and a coach like JB Bickerstaff, who is competing with many reasons for the annual award of the category.

Of course, the Cavaliers have also been protagonists for the movements they have made in the market. Ricky Rubio has set course for the Pacers in a symbolic transfer for him, since he will end up as a player for the Indiana entity in the third and last year of the contract he signed with the Suns. The Cavs thus save the more than 17 million that Rubio was going to pocket… a salary very similar to that of Caris Levert, the player who has arrived in Ohio. A point guard who is what the Cleveland team was looking for in the market and who is also healthy and has a contract until 2023.

This last detail is important, since there is another player whose contract ends that year: it is Kevin Love, who will earn 31 million this year and 28 next year, a maximum that will end at almost 35 years. If the Cavs get out of Love’s contract and do the same with LeVert, they’d have plenty of cap space to sign a max. And LeBron James is still going strong in the Akron arena, with many rumors that he would want to finish his career in his native Cleveland. And the accounts could add up, since the King, now in the Lakers, ends his contract in… 2023. Wow.

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