Home Sports Ryan García Eyes UFC Debut

Ryan García Eyes UFC Debut

The plagued King of boxing seeks a new kingdom: Ryan García does not rule out fighting in the UFC

Ryan Garcia, who has recently been suspended for one year after testing positive for ostarine, could potentially join the UFC or even participate in bloody bare-knuckle boxing without gloves.

At the beginning of May, “King” Ryan García (25 years old) tested positive for drugs the day before and the day of the fight he won against Devin Haney on April 20, 2024.

The American boxer announced his retirement from boxing, stating, “I’m officially retired,” but clarified shortly after that he would only be away for a year: “It’s okay. I’m retired. I’ll be back in a year.”

Now, Ryan García has confirmed to TMZ that his retirement from boxing will be seasonal and will only last his year of sanction.

“I’m going to retire for a year. So they don’t get the satisfaction of suspending me because it’s stupid. I never took steroids in my life. Everyone can go to hell,” explained ‘King Ryan’.

During his year without boxing, Ryan García said he would like to try his luck in the UFC, mentioning Sean O’Malley as a potential opponent because he defended him after cheating accusations. He added, “But if he really wants to compete in the UFC, I will do it.”

Ryan García also expressed interest in fighting in the bloody bare-knuckle boxing organized by the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship: “Or bare knuckles. Shit, I’m ready to fight anyone right now.”

The American boxer went a step further, stating, “Boxing sucks, I’m going to the UFC” after learning of his suspension.

Earlier in April 2024, Ryan García already challenged Sean O’Malley to a boxing match, which the UFC bantamweight champion accepted: “Let’s do it.”

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