Landslide destroys Indian army camp, kills 21, leaves many missing

New Delhi: At least 26 people, including Indian Army personnel, have been killed and dozens injured in a landslide in India.

According to Indian media, the incident took place in the state of Manipur, where a landslide at a check post set up for Indian Army personnel guarding the Imphal Jaribam railway project caused a landslide, killing 100 people under the rubble. More than a dozen officers were buried.

The rescue agency said 26 bodies had been recovered during the rescue operation, including 21 military personnel. The rescue team’s in-charge said 37 people were still buried under the rubble and search was on, but rescue efforts were hampered by bad weather.

He said 13 soldiers and five civilian officials had been rescued from the rubble.

A statement issued by the Defense Ministry’s public relations officer said that most of the personnel guarding the railway project were reserve soldiers who were working on a railway project.

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