Is Pakistan completely hopeless from the Taliban? NSA Moeed Yusuf gave a big statement

Pakistan’s National Security Advisor Moeed Yusuf.


  • Pakistan’s NSA Moeed Yusuf said that organized terrorist networks are still active in Afghanistan.
  • Moeed Yusuf said that Afghanistan’s land is still being used against Pakistan.
  • There have been many terrorist attacks in Pakistan since the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan.

Islamabad: Pakistan’s National Security Adviser Moeed Yusuf has said Islamabad is not entirely optimistic about the current Taliban government in Kabul as organized terrorist networks are still active in the war-torn country and Afghanistan’s land is still being used against Pakistan. Moeed Yusuf said this while briefing the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs on the current situation in Afghanistan on Thursday. He also talked about the threat posed to Pakistan by the presence of banned outfit Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in Afghanistan.

‘Not entirely optimistic about Taliban government’

Moeed Yusuf said, “Organized terrorist networks are still operating in Afghanistan and Afghan soil is still being used against Pakistan.” He said that Pakistan is not completely optimistic about the Taliban government in Afghanistan and a complete solution to all problems should not be expected with the Taliban coming to power. This statement of the National Security Advisor of Pakistan is considered very important. There have been many terrorist attacks in Pakistan since the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan.

TTP placed many conditions before the Government of Pakistan
Pakistan hoped that after the Taliban came to power, the Afghan land would not be used for activities against Islamabad. But the Taliban, instead of taking any action against the TTP, persuaded Pakistan to hold talks with them, which Islamabad did with the hope that the Afghan Taliban would use their influence to subdue the TTP. The TTP announced a one-month ceasefire on 9 November and introduced strict conditions, including the enforcement of their Sharia rules and the release of all detained rebels.

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TTP refuses to extend ceasefire
The government of Pakistan refused to accede to the demands after protests by the people; in response, the TTP refused to extend the ceasefire. Let us tell you that recently the police chief of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan had said that the Islamic State Khorasan (IS-K), operating in Afghanistan, posed a far greater threat to the peace and integrity of the province than the TTP. IS-K, which intensified attacks in several cities of Afghanistan after the Taliban came to power in Kabul in August last year, also carried out terrorist attacks on Pakistani security officials in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

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