iPhone 13: here are the battery sizes of all models

The iPhone 13, 13 mini, 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max have a larger battery than the brand’s previous smartphones, the iPhone 12. A few days after the keynote, Apple finally lifted the veil on the size of the accumulators.

Credit: Apple

True to form, Apple did not reveal the size of the iPhone 13 batteries during the presentation keynote. The firm was content to mention the autonomy of its iPhone. The standard iPhone 13 thus offers 2.5 hours more battery life than the iPhone 12. For its part, the iPhone 13 mini promises 1.5 hours more than the 12 mini. The 13 Pro guarantees 1.5 hours more than the iPhone 12 Pro before going through the charging box. Finally, the iPhone 13 Pro Max promises 2.5 more hours compared to its predecessor. Ultimately, Apple has improved the autonomy of all versions.

A few days after the keynote, the company finally disclosed the size of the batteries in a deposit on the Chemtrec website, a platform that collects a lot of data on products sold around the world. Unsurprisingly, Apple has revised up all the batteries in its phones.

Apple increased battery size with iPhone 13s

Thus, we learn that the iPhone 13 mini is powered by a 9.57 watt-hour battery, against 8.57 watt-hours for the iPhone 12 mini, up by around 9%. The standard iPhone 13 comes with a 12.41 watt-hour battery, up 15% from the iPhone 12’s 10.78 watt-hour battery.

The iPhone 13 Pro is powered by an 11.97 watt-hour battery, compared to 10.78 watt-hours for its predecessor. Finally, the iPhone 13 Pro Max, which “Offers the best autonomy never seen on iPhone ” according to Apple, has a 16.75 watt-hour battery, up 18% from the iPhone 12 Pro Max (14.13 watt-hours).

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To ensure high-end battery life on its iPhone 13s, Apple didn’t just include bigger batteries. The brand also relies on the A15 Bionic SoC, a new chipset engraved in 5nm +. The SoC is intended to consume less energy than the previous generation. Finally, the manufacturer also brought great care in integrating the 120 Hz ProMotion screen on the iPhone 13 Pro. Apple says it is banking on a “Intelligent solution capable of adapting to constantly changing refresh rates”. Concretely, the screen goes from 10 Hz to 120 Hz as needed in order to reduce the pressure on the battery.

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