Home World Indocal verified lack in gas station

Indocal verified lack in gas station

Indocal  verificó falta en gasolinera

The National Institute for Quality (Indocal) reported that its technicians, together with those of the Consumer Protection Institute (ProConsumidor). They verified on two occasions the gas station located on San Vicente de Paúl avenue, in this capital, responding to reports of irregularity.

On June 24, a joint brigade went to the fuel station located on San Vicente de Paul Avenue, on the corner of Nicolás Silfa, to carry out a surprise check, following complaints of alleged irregularities in the dispensing of fuel filed with the watchdog body of the market and found six dispensers outside the established range, says

The technicians verified and verified in the survey report the closure of six dispensers that were outside the established ranges, to which a red seal and a security seal were placed, indicating that the equipment is disabled or out of service. until the repair is done.

Indocal pointed out that a yellow seal was placed indicating that the equipment is under repair until its reverification, but it was the past 9 and the pump was being dispatched with the dispenser under repair and without completing the process.


“Joint verifications are part of routine activities.”

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