If you have a very old Android smartphone, you won’t be able to use Google apps

A few days ago, a post on google forum revealed that Older Android devices will no longer be able to log into Google apps as of September 27th.

If you have a very old Android smartphone you won't be able to use Google apps

Zak Pollack explains that he is part of “Google’s continued efforts to keep our users safe.”

This means that Owners of Android devices running Android 2.3.7 or lower will no longer be able to access Google products and services such as Gmail, YouTube and Maps. However, they will be able to access these services through their web browser if necessary.

If, for some reason, you still use one of these devices or know someone who uses them, it’s time to choose a new device.

Google’s move isn’t likely to affect many people, as Android 3 and Android 4 smartphones were released in 2011, so we’re talking about phones that are even older.

what can affect more people is that Google Play Services compatibility with Android 4.1 ends next month, but again you need to have a very old phone for this to be an issue.

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