How to cancel sending an email in Google Gmail

How many of us have made the mistake of sending an email, only to realize it after hitting the send button? Whether it’s because we made a mistake typing something or the email may have gone to an unintended recipient, there can be many reasons why we want to cancel sending an email.

Many Google Gmail users don’t know this, but it is possible to unsubscribe from email. The problem is that the default time frame is so short that many don’t even realize this option is available. This article is for you to learn about this option and to be able to extend the cancellation period.

By default, Gmail already allows you to undo a send. But the undo button is only available for only 5 seconds. Next I show you how to cancel the sending of emails in Gmail and increase that period up to the maximum time allowed of 30 seconds. In this way you can unsubscribe without any problem within that window of time.

Cancel sending an email in Gmail in 4 steps

1. Create a message in Gmail and click send;

2. A pop-up window will appear informing you that the message has been sent;


3. Click cancel for as long as you are available (default is only 5 seconds);

4. As soon as you see the message that the delivery has been cancelled, you can change or simply cancel the delivery of the email.


Learn how to increase the undo send up to 30 seconds in Gmail in 3 steps

1. This function is available for PC or Android. In a simple way I will explain how you can do it from the computer. The first step is to go to the “settings”, by clicking on the screw symbol in the upper right corner. After that, you should choose the option “See all settings”, as in the image below.

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2. In the fourth point of the “General” tab, you will find the “Undo send” option. By default, the “send cancellation period” is 5 seconds. If you want more leeway, you’ll choose the 30 second option as seen below.


3. After making this change, it will scroll to the bottom of the page. There you will find the option to “Save changes”. From then on, you can unsubscribe from an email for up to 30 seconds.


You must take into account that after the 30 seconds of cancellation time, you are alone. From that moment, you will not be able to cancel any shipment, and you will only have to accept the error.

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