Home World Facts you don’t know about Corona’s ‘booster diet’

Facts you don’t know about Corona’s ‘booster diet’

The United States, Britain, France, Germany and Israel have all begun offering booster food to their citizens to protect them from the Corona epidemic, while the World Health Organization has strongly criticized the practice.

Pfizer Biotech has become the first vaccine in the United States to receive emergency approval for a booster rollout, but the question arises as to why booster shots are necessary and who is eligible for them. Are presented as follows.

Who qualifies for the booster shot?

Firefighters in the United States have been asked to approve food as a booster diet for people aged 16 and over, but U.S. officials have only approved it for people 65 and older, officials say. People of this age are more at risk than corona.

According to officials, people between the ages of 18 and 64 are at higher risk of contracting the virus because of their professional activities.

Pfizer officials say U.S. officials will recommend a booster dose to all Americans as their next step.

When to give a booster shot?

A statement from the Watchdog US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said the third shot should be given at least six months after an individual has been given two doses.

Why is a booster vaccine necessary?

According to Pfizer, the booster shot that has now been approved is for people who have had significant protection from corona after basic vaccinations, but their safety may decline over time due to the loss of immunity. ۔

How to get protection from booster dose?

Officials say the formula and dosage of the third shot of the Pfizer vaccine will be the same for those who have completed their two doses.

On the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) strongly criticized the move to introduce booster shots, saying that time is needed to eradicate the epidemic by vaccinating people around the world as soon as possible because the poor Countries are still struggling to give the first shot to most of their populations.


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