Environment: plastic still ubiquitous

15 minutes from Paris, along the canals, it is the setting for a pleasant walk, but below, the walk is quickly ruined. Plastic waste litters the ground, floats in the water. The volunteers of an association that fights for the protection of the environment have a lot to do that day. A spectacle of desolation, and plastic pollution that contaminates the few animals still present. “They poison themselves with all the plastic materials, which they confuse with food. They have plenty in their stomachs, which they will never digest. It will accumulate, they will suffocate with the plastic”deplores Edouard Feinstein, president of the OSE association.

Danone sued for plastic pollution

This waste comes from the products we consume on a daily basis. Despite awareness and anti-waste laws, plastic is still ubiquitous, especially in the packaging of our food and hygiene products. Twenty NGOs have established the top 10 of the biggest plastic polluters in the world. On the podium, Coca Cola and Pepsi. In ninth position, Danone. The French brand did not wish to respond in front of the cameras of France Télévisions, but in writing, it assures us that the reduction of plastic is a major issue. NGOs sued Danone for plastic pollution.

How are manufacturers trying to reduce their plastic production? In Brittany, a cosmetics company has agreed to open its doors to us. On the packaging lines, shower gels in 100% recycled plastic bottles. An effort for the brand, because it costs more to manufacture.

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