Bollywood actor Siddharth Malhotra and actress Kiara Advani Sher Shah’s film has been highly appreciated by audiences. The movie based on the life of Captain Vikram Batra from Kargil War airs on Amazon Prime Video. While Siddharth plays Captain Batra in the movie, Kiara has appeared in the role of her beloved Dimple. Captain Vikram Batra’s brother, Vishal Batra, is happy that people like the movie. He feels that both the actors and actresses have done their respective roles full justice.
Vishal Batra said in an interview that “it is not easy to play someone’s character. Sidharth Malhotra has put in a lot of sweat and hard work to play his role. Even Kiara Advani has worked very hard to play the character of Dimple. ‘
She further said that ‘Dimple was not Vikram’s fiancée because neither of them was engaged. But the family planned to marry them off soon.
Vishal Batra further said: ‘I remember Dimple and I had lunch together six days before the fateful day. She had come to see me off. I was going to Delhi to work. He told me that when Vikram comes back you will dance at our wedding, right? I said, ‘Of course I’ll dance’
After Vikram’s martyrdom, Dimple never married. During the conversation, Vishal shared how he had helped Shershah’s team obtain permission to film the scene of Vikram Batra’s funeral in Palanpur. It was the hardest to shoot where Captain Vikram was cremated. Around 30,000 people had gathered at that time.
Salman Khan wanted to land the role of Vikram Batra in Shershaah to brother-in-law Aayush Sharma, find out why Siddharth Malhotra won
The magic of Kiara Advani’s style played every time in promoting Shershaah, sometimes in a skirt and sometimes in a sari, the killer beauty.