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Climate Change Predictions: Will the Ganges River Dry Up and Air Quality Decline by 874 Years? Insights from the Kalki Prophecy

अमिताभ बच्चन, प्रभास, कमल हासन की फिल्म कल्कि 2898 एडी में भविष्य के मौसम और क्लाइमेट चेंज की कहानी भी दिखाई गई है.

Climate Change and Global Warming: A Glimpse into the Future

The film Kalki 2989 AD is not a review of the movie, but rather a portrayal of the problems that humanity will face in the future. The story begins 6,000 years ago and jumps forward to 874 years in the future, showcasing the technologies, science, and weather that will prevail in that era.

The film depicts Ashwatthama, a character from Indian mythology, who does not die as expected. Instead, he is shown to be still alive, with Amitabh Bachchan playing the role. The film also highlights several problems that will persist in the future, including pollution, rising temperatures, dry rivers, water rationing, and war between the weak and the strong.

Future Technologies and Vehicles

In the film, vehicles are shown that resemble those from the Hollywood movie Mad Max, but with a futuristic twist. These vehicles are made with "jugaad" but are of the future, with buses and cars that fly through the air and run on nuclear batteries. The film also showcases humanoid robots equipped with AI, which serve as soldiers and assistants.

Climate Change and Environmental Degradation

The film portrays a world where the Ganga River has dried up, and the air is filled with poison. The scenes depict extreme weather conditions, including a terrible storm, forest fires, thunderstorms, and droughts. The movie also shows the effects of climate change, such as rising temperatures and desertification.

A New World Order

In the future, the world is ruled by a Supreme Leader, played by Kamal Haasan, who is a demon. His complex is shown to be the hub of human evolution, with skeletons and human embryos being created in labs. The film also highlights the struggle between good and evil, with a fight to save humanity from the clutches of the demon.

A New Reality

The movie depicts a world where smartphones and mobiles are no longer used for communication. Instead, people use discs to see live images of others, and conversations are conducted through a virtual interface. The film also shows the rise of humanoid robots, which are integrated into society, and the search for fertile girls to create embryos in labs.


Kalki 2989 AD is a thought-provoking film that highlights the problems that humanity will face in the future. The movie depicts a world where climate change, environmental degradation, and technological advancements have transformed society. While the film is a work of fiction, it serves as a warning about the consequences of neglecting our planet and the importance of addressing the challenges we face today.

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