Home World Big news: NATO puts troops on standby near Russia

Big news: NATO puts troops on standby near Russia

Big news: NATO puts troops on standby near Russia

MOSCOW: Russia-Ukraine conflict has escalated, with NATO standing by its forces for any attack near Russia.

According to the details, NATO has delivered ships and fighter jets near Russia, and has also fully prepared the forces.

الجزیرہ NATO allies have also sent naval forces and fighter jets to bolster Europe’s eastern defenses in the wake of tensions over Russia’s troop deployment near Ukraine.

The security alliance’s move, announced on Monday, comes as Britain begins withdrawing staff from its embassy in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, amid fears of a Russian attack.

The British Foreign Office said in a statement that it was expelling “some embassy staff and their families” in response to a “growing threat from Russia”. What was

Tensions are running high in Ukraine after Russia amassed 100,000 troops near its neighbor, with the West saying Moscow, angered by growing ties between Kiev and NATO, is attacking Ukraine. Preparing to do

The Kremlin, on the other hand, has repeatedly denied plans to invade, but according to Al Jazeera, Russian forces had already occupied part of Ukrainian territory when it occupied Crimea, and supported separatist forces who Occupied large parts of eastern Ukraine eight years ago.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Mirzelinsky thanked European Council President Charles Michel and leaders of the 27 member states of the European Union for their solidarity and support during the tensions with Russia.


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