Dhakai film actress Mishti Jannat’s movie Phuljaan released today. But before that, he went to the launch of a launch and discussed with Zayed Khan. Several video clips have gone viral on social media. The actress is also positive about Zayed Khan.
It can be seen in several videos, Sweet Jannat is going with Zayed Khan to the Sadarghat launch terminal. very crowded Common people surrounded them. Once he got into the launch holding Zayed Khan’s hand.
In this context, Mishti Jannat says, I got on the first launch in Bangladesh. I went abroad. But this is my first in the country. This is possible for Zayed Khan.
Talking about Zayed Khan, Zayed Khan is very loyal to my family. There is no obstacle from the family to go anywhere with him.
His new movie is releasing. In this context, he said, after a long time in 2019, my new movie ‘Fuljaan’ is releasing today. I invite everyone to visit. A different feeling. A different feeling always works for me, whenever a movie releases. I have a lot of good work waiting for me.
Mishti said, happy to be regular again through Fuljan. Every job is like a child. Whatever the child. There are many hurdles and difficulties from preparing to give birth to giving birth. One day if I can become something very big, then I will say and write a lot. This world is very selfish. Anyway, pray for me and my movie ‘Phuljaan’. Love is for everyone.