Home Sports Argentinos Juniors took the victory of Tigre

Argentinos Juniors took the victory of Tigre

Argentinos Juniors took the victory of Tigre

Argentinos Juniors defeated Tigre 1-0 as a visitor at the end of the Sunday segment of the sixth round of the Professional League championship, after an attractive show offered by two of the teams.

The game promised a lot, always thinking of the ball as immediate property and the rival goal as an inexcusable objective.

And as a local, Tigre went out to “eat” his rival in the first quarter of an hour, when he delighted his audience and overwhelmed his rival, to the point that despite that brief portion of time elapsed, the tie was unfair partial.

But after those initial 15 minutes in which Gabriel Milito’s men managed to weather the storm, they began to develop their own, which in the remaining half hour was also of as high a level as what their rival had previously done.

And just as the tie at that start of the game was undeserved, it was also undeserved when the first half languished with a blank result and Argentinos did not reap anything despite their manifest superiority.

But about the hour, justice deigned to appear through a penalty kick converted by Gabriel Avalos so that those from La Paternal went to the locker room in profit.

A profit as meager as it was deserved, to the point that the local goalkeeper Gonzalo Marinelli was the figure of that first half.

But between two “serious” teams like Argentinos and this Diego Martínez Tigre, the parity in the game, something that was seen a little more in the complement, a goal difference can be little or a lot, depending on the circumstances, and In this case, that advantage obtained by the visitors at the end of the first period ended up staggering dangerously, despite the fact that the locals played the entire second period with one less.

It is that at the start of the second stage the central defender of the “Matador”, Abel Luciatti, was expelled due to the action of the last man, and then it seemed everything was perfect for the “Bichos Colorados”, with favorable repulses in both periods .

But it couldn’t be for the locals, despite the fact that they ended up putting Argentinos in their own area, even with goalkeeper Marinelli executing free kicks in the rival field.

Thus, Argentinos jumped to eleventh place with 9 points, leaving Victoria’s team with 8, in fifteenth position, although in both cases the concerns today are more about consolidating their game and giving it continuity than anything else, because the mold has been armed for a while.

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