Amazfit Band 7 arrives soon to compete with Redmi Smart Band Pro

the activity bracelet Amazfit Band 7 it is one of the next devices to hit the market in 2022. Once a sub-brand of the Xiaomi ecosystem, Amazfit has gained independence in recent years, even starting to compete with itself. xiaomi.

Proof of this was its first Amazfit Band 5 launched in 2020 to compete with the Xiaomi Mi Band 5. Now, according to leaks alluding to the Amazfit Band 7, the configuration of this smart bracelet is closer to that of the Redmi Smart Band Pro. .

The Amazfit Band 7 will have support for GPS location

Amazfit Band 7
Details of the certification of Amazfit Band 7 with the US agency FCC.

According to new information, the Amazfit Band 7 bracelet will most likely arrive at the same time as the new range of Amazfit GTR 4 watches in 2022. Until then, the new smart bracelet will have received the code name “Bari” and, at Apparently, it will have several similarities with another product of the Xiaomi ecosystem, the Redmi Smart Band Pro launched in 2021.

Above we can see, for example, the registration of the Amazfit Band 7 certification before the US agency FCC, in charge of homologating smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices in that country. Therefore, it is the infallible global readiness indicator for any Chinese team.

However, one filter The Frenchman nicknamed Magical Unicorn advanced more technical details of the Amazfit Band 7. Although the FCC certification would confirm its existence and eventual global availability, we lacked the technical specifications that would effectively define the product.

These are the general characteristics of the Amazfit Band 7 smartband

Amazfit Band 7
The main technical details associated with the Amazfit Band 7.

The aforementioned technical sheet is silent on details such as the battery capacity, which, according to rumors, will have up to 250 mAh. That is, it will have a greater capacity than the Redmi Smartband Pro itself with its 200 mAh. This addition could also help support demand for the GPS location chip, for example.

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We also know that the Amazfit Band 7 will use the Zepp OS operating system, with its own interface and based on menu swipes. That’s the bad beer that have come to characterize the navigation interface in this type of mobile device.

Finally, its biggest asset may indeed be the built-in GPS location. Something that until now we have not found in products from Xiaomi, Redmi or any other sub-brand of this ecosystem. Unfortunately, at the moment, we do not have an estimate of the presentation date or the prices of this Amazfit product.

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