Home World AIRD: The reindustrialization bandwagon is rolling

AIRD: The reindustrialization bandwagon is rolling

AIRD: El carro de la reindustrialización está en marcha

Dominican industrialists are optimistic and consider that the country’s reindustrialization car is on the move, which is testified in the magazine HechoenRD by presenting the main brands made by Dominican industries in the segments of oils, margarines and other fats, rice, non-alcoholic beverages, coffee and cocoa, condiments, sugar, sausages and meats, raw and canned grains, dairy products, bread and cookies, pasta, flour and cereals. All of them have been essential to sustain the nutrition of Dominicans always and especially during the current pandemic.

“These companies -the ones that make these brands- have always shown their muscles to be allies of the Dominicans. They support the flow of food products to grocery stores and supermarkets, maintain a significant contribution to formal employment in the country, guarantee food security, make continuous contributions to the treasury and strengthen the possibility of a process of reindustrialization of the country”, says Circe Almánzar, vice president executive of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD).

HechoenRD is a biannual publication of the AIRD and it always highlights significant issues for the industrial and sustainable development of the Dominican Republic.

Almánzar assures that these are products that, by themselves or as part of the national gastronomic tradition, make the invisible visible and provide competitive advantages “from our identity”. “They deserve to be considered within what we promote and will promote as a country brand,” says Almánzar.

In addition, they are brands that are present -in many cases- in international markets, positively positioning national production in the minds of consumers around the world.

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