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Afghanistan: Taliban warn that "there will be consequences" if the United States delays withdrawal

The Taliban warned on Monday that the United States and its allies risk “consequences” if they delay the withdrawal from Afghanistan.. President Joe Biden does not rule out extending evacuations beyond August 31, the date that he himself had set to complete the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, although the White House national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, stressed on Monday that the speed of the operation is “exceeding the expectations” of the government. . For its part, the British government of Boris Johnson reiterated its intention to demand that the United States prolong operations in Kabul during a virtual G7 summit called for this Tuesday.

In a new incident amid chaotic evacuation efforts by those trying to flee the country after the Taliban seized power, an Afghan soldier was killed and three wounded in a shooting at an access to Kabul airport. Meanwhile, the Taliban continue to send fighters to the north of the country to eliminate the last pockets of resistance to a conquest that culminated on August 15 with the capture of the Afghan capital.

“There will be consequences”

“If the United States or the United Kingdom ask for more time to continue with the evacuations, the answer is no. Or there will be consequences.”, declared Suhail shaheen, a Taliban spokesman, to the British channel Sky News. US President Joe Biden, pressured by his allies, ajar on Sunday the possibility of keeping the troops beyond August 31 to continue with the evacuation. “In the days that remain, we believe we have the resources to drive out Americans who want to leave Kabul.”, predicted insurance Jake sullivan, Washington’s national security adviser.

Since they took power in Afghanistan on August 15, the Taliban try to convince the population that their regime will be less brutal than the previous experience between 1996 and 2001. But his promises do not put a stop to the will of thousands to flee the country. The United States has already evacuated some 33 thousand people since August 14, it hopes to remove 15 thousand Americans from the country and also about 50 or 60 thousand Afghans.

Johnson wants to extend the term

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will ask Joe Biden to extend the deadline to evacuate those who wish to leave Afghanistan. The Johnson government, which convened a virtual G7 summit for Tuesday, understands that without the US presence in Afghanistan, other countries will have no choice but to stop their own evacuations as well.

“It is really important that people understand that the United States has more than 6,000 people at Kabul airport and that when they pull out, that will remove the frame and we will have to leave as well,” stressed the British Defense Minister. Ben wallace to the BBC network. “I don’t think there is any chance that the UK will stay after the US. If their schedule is extended by one or two days, that will give us one or two more days to evacuate people, “he added.

He is not the only ally who has come out in favor of extending the evacuation. Foreign Minister Jean Yves Le Drian assured that France considers “necessary” an “additional period” to complete the operation. And Germany is conducting negotiations with the United States, Turkey and other countries to keep the airport open after August 31. However, the Taliban spokesman Shaheen said the stipulated date is a “red line” So what extending the US presence “will provoke a reaction”.

“They invited them”

Taliban blame US for civilian deaths at Kabul airport, by ensuring that the “pull effect” that caused the start of the evacuations is behind the chaos at the Afghan airfield. “The US forces stationed at Hamid Karzai airport are responsible for killing the civilians because they invited them”declared the main spokesman for the insurgents, Zabihullah Mujahid.

Mujahid assured that the Taliban fighters are deployed in the airfield area “so as not to allow irresponsible men to enter the interior of the airport.” The words of the Taliban spokesman come on the same day that the German authorities reported a attack by an armed individual against the security forces deployed at the airfield. The shooting took place at the north gate of the Kabul airport, and in it one member of the Afghan security forces was killed and three others were injured, in an incident in which German and American forces were also involved.

Future government on hold

The city of Kabul registered a certain calm on Monday. Taliban fighters patrol its streets and keep watch from checkpoints. Although no government has yet been established, negotiations continue with Afghan personalities to achieve an “inclusive” cabinet. But the insurgents warned that they will not announce the constitution of a new government while there are US soldiers in Afghanistan.

Outside Kabul there have been outbreaks of resistance against the Taliban. Some former government soldiers gathered in the Panshir Valley, north of Kabul. The insurgent movement announced on Monday that it had surrounded the resistance fighters and promised to “resolve this issue peacefully.”


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